Venice Guide for Waterbus Stops, Rialto (Ferro/Carbon)
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Rialto (Ferro/Carbon)
Waterbus Stop
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Rialto (Ferro/Carbon)
Waterbus Stop

Waterbus Stop Search
Line 1
Direction: Piazzale Roma
from 04:55 to 06:15 every 20 min.
from 06:45 to 21:45 every 10 min.
from 22:05 to 23:45 every 20 min.
Direction: Lido - S. Maria Elisabetta
from 05:20 to 06:20 every 20 min.
from 06:40 to 22:00 every 10 min.
from 22:20 to 00:00 every 20 min.
Line 24
Direction: Mestre
at 12:40
at 15:40
at 18:40
Line 4
Direction: Tronchetto
from 14:27 to 20:27 every 20 min.
Line 82
Direction: S. Zaccaria
from 06:32 to 08:52 every 20 min. (dir. Giudecca - S. Zaccaria)
from 09:02 to 20:52 every 10 min. (dir. Giudecca - S. Zaccaria)
from 21:12 to 23:32 every 20 min. (dir. Giudecca - S. Zaccaria)
Direction: S. Marco (Vallaresso)
from 09:01 to 16:41 every 10 min.
from 09:08 to 16:48 every 20 min.
Line N
Direction: S. Zaccaria
from 23:55 to 04:35 every 20 min. (dir. Giudecca - S. Zaccaria)
Direction: Lido - S. Maria Elisabetta
from 00:24 to 05:04 every 20 min.